Non-objective art has nothing to do with reality and is created for aestheticc reasons. It is intend to use the elements and principles of art as in this
1950 oil painting by Jackson Pollock titled Autumn Rhythm. His use of the "pour and drip" methods as well as colors contribute to his unique style.
Abstract art takes the subjects from reality but presents things in a way that is different from the way they are viewed realistically. It may emphasize on lines, shapes or colors that will transform the subject as in this 1913
collage by George Braque.The artist depicts the subject from a multitude of viewpoints to represent the subject in a greater context.
collage by George Braque.The artist depicts the subject from a multitude of viewpoints to represent the subject in a greater context.
Andy Warhol's 1963 Heinz Tomato Ketchup Box gives an example of Iconic Art on a world wide level.The website notes that hitting the "57" mark on a glass Heinz ketchup bottle makes the ketchup pour out more quickly and easily.
Andy Warhol largest and last 1986 painting of the "The Last Supper" is making a political statement as well as a religious statement. The painting manifests his religious belief, a devote catholic, and his irreverence toward the subject. He uses commercial logos and repetitions of Christs image to make his point.
The 1923 painting by Kazimir Malevich "The Black Square" represents geometric simplicity and is a spirit of sensation which pervades everything. Malevich described the black square as being equall to a feeling and the white background being equal to the void beyond the feeling. The objects themselves are meaningless, but it represents the supremacy of pure feeling, infinity and eternity.